Sunday, January 24, 2010

Smoke and the Falling Away of Some Things.. was an adventure! More than I usually care to have- but it seems like life would be boring otherwise. It was just me and Maddie today, it marks the close of her 3rd week and the beginning of the 4th, which leaves me slightly sad, knowing with a foreboding feeling that I only have a few short weeks left before I have to return to work. However, as the day progressed, other things took my mind off of this worry.

 Madeline had slept in with me that day and was relatively placid, until about 3:00pm, perhaps her hunger pains are carefully synchronized with thunderstorms, because Eric calls me to warn me to be careful and make sure we are home and there is a tornado watch and warning for our region.

The sky was pretty dark, the wind strong and I debated on getting in a closet after checking out the weather channel for awhile, but Madeline by then firmly insisted she better eat and NOW. By the time she was finished, it seemed like the storm had calmed down, the weatherman gave safe clearance and we settled down for our next activity, which was to to watch on Conan's last episode of the Tonight Show after NBC kicked him off for Jay Leno.

I figured since it was around 4pm that Eric would be home around 6 pm and we could shortly leave to visit my sister for a late birthday present and for her to see the baby. I noticed that the heater had kicked in and a slight burning smell had began filtering through the room but I automatically assumed it was just because we had the heating and air company come out to fix what they told us was a leak somewhere since our heater had blown cold recently and heaters usually have that burning smell initially--however, it began to progress to a strong acrid smell and I felt like my eyes were burning.

I checked under the computer but couldn't really tell anything and left the room only to return to seeing smoke coming from under the computer and from the other rooms as well. It didn't help Madeline was crying because anytime I leave her sight, it does not make a happy camper. The only thing I can think to do is call Eric. He sounds alarmed and is on his way but tells us to get out of the house. I turn off the heat, unplug a few things and of course walk out to the porch with Maddie in her car seat, crying to find it literally in a downpour outside.

Eric arrived, we get into the car to sit for awhile and he calls the heating company, to our surprise, noone answers and then the fire department. What was pretty amazing was within 5 minutes we are visited by a small firetruck, a large one, three cop cars, an ambulance and the city councilman. Talk about great and speedy service!

After about 45 minutes, and given the "all-clear" we finally go in, Eric soaked and Madeline thoroughly amused by the flashing lights and rain sounds.The smell is still pretty strong in the house but we are pretty much given the information I suspected- hvac unit! These guys are going to be fixing this with no charge I can assure you now!

The night after that was pretty average, had some great chicken fajitas and again, more fussiness from Madeline, and we couldn't for the life of us make her calm. When all else fails, we usually just continue to alternate between changing the diaper and feeding the piggy in the blanket because happiness is sure to follow. As Dad was changing her diaper- another new stepping stone for Madeline occurred today- the shedding of the UMBILICAL CORD! The ghastly little knob had been weeping for some days now, soaking through her cute little outfits, and leaving Daddy proud to take another gross picture. Yay!

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ome to my babble blog! Here you will find: the random musings of a full-time stay-at-home mom and wife/part-time leasing specialist for three apartment communities, all-the-time crafter, whole-hearted worshipper, in-progress follower of Jesus Christ, and spontaneous hyper individual.

Because there are just so many facets of me..

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Smoke and the Falling Away of Some Things.. was an adventure! More than I usually care to have- but it seems like life would be boring otherwise. It was just me and Maddie today, it marks the close of her 3rd week and the beginning of the 4th, which leaves me slightly sad, knowing with a foreboding feeling that I only have a few short weeks left before I have to return to work. However, as the day progressed, other things took my mind off of this worry.

 Madeline had slept in with me that day and was relatively placid, until about 3:00pm, perhaps her hunger pains are carefully synchronized with thunderstorms, because Eric calls me to warn me to be careful and make sure we are home and there is a tornado watch and warning for our region.

The sky was pretty dark, the wind strong and I debated on getting in a closet after checking out the weather channel for awhile, but Madeline by then firmly insisted she better eat and NOW. By the time she was finished, it seemed like the storm had calmed down, the weatherman gave safe clearance and we settled down for our next activity, which was to to watch on Conan's last episode of the Tonight Show after NBC kicked him off for Jay Leno.

I figured since it was around 4pm that Eric would be home around 6 pm and we could shortly leave to visit my sister for a late birthday present and for her to see the baby. I noticed that the heater had kicked in and a slight burning smell had began filtering through the room but I automatically assumed it was just because we had the heating and air company come out to fix what they told us was a leak somewhere since our heater had blown cold recently and heaters usually have that burning smell initially--however, it began to progress to a strong acrid smell and I felt like my eyes were burning.

I checked under the computer but couldn't really tell anything and left the room only to return to seeing smoke coming from under the computer and from the other rooms as well. It didn't help Madeline was crying because anytime I leave her sight, it does not make a happy camper. The only thing I can think to do is call Eric. He sounds alarmed and is on his way but tells us to get out of the house. I turn off the heat, unplug a few things and of course walk out to the porch with Maddie in her car seat, crying to find it literally in a downpour outside.

Eric arrived, we get into the car to sit for awhile and he calls the heating company, to our surprise, noone answers and then the fire department. What was pretty amazing was within 5 minutes we are visited by a small firetruck, a large one, three cop cars, an ambulance and the city councilman. Talk about great and speedy service!

After about 45 minutes, and given the "all-clear" we finally go in, Eric soaked and Madeline thoroughly amused by the flashing lights and rain sounds.The smell is still pretty strong in the house but we are pretty much given the information I suspected- hvac unit! These guys are going to be fixing this with no charge I can assure you now!

The night after that was pretty average, had some great chicken fajitas and again, more fussiness from Madeline, and we couldn't for the life of us make her calm. When all else fails, we usually just continue to alternate between changing the diaper and feeding the piggy in the blanket because happiness is sure to follow. As Dad was changing her diaper- another new stepping stone for Madeline occurred today- the shedding of the UMBILICAL CORD! The ghastly little knob had been weeping for some days now, soaking through her cute little outfits, and leaving Daddy proud to take another gross picture. Yay!

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