Friday, May 20, 2011

The Food Diaries of Daphne: When losing is gaining - Day 1

Day 1- Evaluation

I am great and probably best labeled as world-renowned for starting ideas with full force and probably wavering off somewhere in the close future. I am not promising anything, because I fear if I do that, I will commit to my old routine, but I am making my best ATTEMPT to work on losing weight and doing it healthily (if that is a word).

I know I can only accomplish this through the support of my family, friends, and God, so I hope this one day will give motivation to someone. I know I personally like to see what works for other people and try and tailor it to where it can best work for me- which is as good a try as any other I suppose.

So, with that said, I started Day 1 today. It wasn't anything special, I actually first initiated it by signing up with a free membership at This site is great because it provides a calorie counter to watch your intake, set up and track the meals you eat, advise you on if you are under or over on the nutrients/calories you need or have absorbed, and offers exercise plans and help through forums to get you through--so basically an internet support system- which is great because I need all the help I could get.

For the first day, it advised me to follow through on my normal daily eating routine and exercise (which is basically non-existent) so I could see where my problem lies..which is no big surprise considering what I ate!

Who ever knew a hamburger alone could be 500 calories! Good God! So, I found out I need to be eating about 1200 calories a day with my current weight and height. Are you ready for what I actually ate..guestimating all the food I logged on?

Drum roll please...

2595 calories! I think I had another heart attack. Or at least, that is what I am going to get if I continue eating like that! I think being conscious of it will help me a lot more, because I plan on posting a picture of what I used to look like in a bathing suit on my exercise bike tonight..if I can find it from the dusty photo books.

I know I can do this, and would like to encourage all you out there who are wishing to have pride in your body as much as I do that you can too.

Here is a log of a woman who has lost 65 lbs and is still going on is what I am working towards!

I would love to hear some progress stories out there.

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ome to my babble blog! Here you will find: the random musings of a full-time stay-at-home mom and wife/part-time leasing specialist for three apartment communities, all-the-time crafter, whole-hearted worshipper, in-progress follower of Jesus Christ, and spontaneous hyper individual.

Because there are just so many facets of me..

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Food Diaries of Daphne: When losing is gaining - Day 1

Day 1- Evaluation

I am great and probably best labeled as world-renowned for starting ideas with full force and probably wavering off somewhere in the close future. I am not promising anything, because I fear if I do that, I will commit to my old routine, but I am making my best ATTEMPT to work on losing weight and doing it healthily (if that is a word).

I know I can only accomplish this through the support of my family, friends, and God, so I hope this one day will give motivation to someone. I know I personally like to see what works for other people and try and tailor it to where it can best work for me- which is as good a try as any other I suppose.

So, with that said, I started Day 1 today. It wasn't anything special, I actually first initiated it by signing up with a free membership at This site is great because it provides a calorie counter to watch your intake, set up and track the meals you eat, advise you on if you are under or over on the nutrients/calories you need or have absorbed, and offers exercise plans and help through forums to get you through--so basically an internet support system- which is great because I need all the help I could get.

For the first day, it advised me to follow through on my normal daily eating routine and exercise (which is basically non-existent) so I could see where my problem lies..which is no big surprise considering what I ate!

Who ever knew a hamburger alone could be 500 calories! Good God! So, I found out I need to be eating about 1200 calories a day with my current weight and height. Are you ready for what I actually ate..guestimating all the food I logged on?

Drum roll please...

2595 calories! I think I had another heart attack. Or at least, that is what I am going to get if I continue eating like that! I think being conscious of it will help me a lot more, because I plan on posting a picture of what I used to look like in a bathing suit on my exercise bike tonight..if I can find it from the dusty photo books.

I know I can do this, and would like to encourage all you out there who are wishing to have pride in your body as much as I do that you can too.

Here is a log of a woman who has lost 65 lbs and is still going on is what I am working towards!

I would love to hear some progress stories out there.

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